将我国新颁布实施的《合成氨工业水污染物排放标准》与美国、日本氮肥行业的水污染物排放标准在标准适用范围、标准分级和标准值等 7个方面进行了分析比较 ,指出我国的新标准具有中国特色 ,既符合实际情况又有可操作性。并就我国排放标准的发展趋势谈了几点看法。
An analysis is made of 7 aspects, including the adaptability of the standards, the classification of the standards and Standard values, by comparing the newly issued “Standards for Discharge of Water Pollutants from the Ammonia Industry' for implementation in China with the standards for discharge of water pollutants from the nitrogenous fertilizer industry in the US and Japan. It is indicated that the new standards in China are of Chinese characteristics, and they not only conform to the actual situation but also are operable. Perspectives are given of the trend of development of the discharge standards in China.
Chemical Fertilizer Industry