
保护长江 任重道远 被引量:5

Yangtze protection —— heavy burden and long road
摘要 长江是我国最重要的水资源 ,其水资源量占全国的 35 % ,保护好长江水资源和长江流域的生态环境事关中华民族的生存与我国的可持续发展。随着经济发展 ,人口增加 ,长江流域水污染日益严重 ,尽管水污染局部有所控制 ,但整体仍呈发展趋势。点源排污是长江流域水污染的重要因素 ,流域内工矿企业废水及城镇生活污水的排放量逐年增加 ,处理率与达标率低下 ,绝大部分排放污水未经适当处理是导致流域内水体污染严重的直接原因。因水土流失引起的非点源污染已成为影响长江水质的另一重要因素。湖泊富营养化通常是点源与非点源污染综合影响的结果。长江流域水污染状况主要表现为 :城市江段普遍存在岸边污染带 ;中小支流及城市内河水质污染严重 ;水污染危害了供水安全 ;污染向城市下游转移、向长江转移 ;湖泊富营养化突出 ;长江水污染影响了东海生态环境 ;污染事故、船舶污染尚未得到有效控制 ;水污染已威胁供水安全和渔业资源。当前长江水资源保护工作仍然面临着十分严峻的形势 ,因此在发展经济的同时 ,如何保护好长江 ,是我们任重而道远的艰巨任务。 The water resources of the Yangtze river is the most important in China, amounting to 35% of the total national water resources. The protection of water resources and the ecological environment of Yangtze valley is of vital importance to the existence of the Chinese nation and the sustainable development of Chinese economy. With the economic development and the population growth, the water pollution in Yangtze valley has become increasingly serious. Although being controlled in local area, the pollution is still worsening in general. The point source pollution discharge is a main factor to water pollution in Yangtze valley. The direct causes of serious water pollution in the valley are that the drainage water from industrial and mining enterprises in the valley increases annually, the ratios of treated and up-to-standard water are low, the most of drained sewage water is untreated. Nonpoint source pollution caused by soil washing has also become an important factor influencing the water quality of Yangtze. Lake eutrophication is the comprehensive result of point and nonpoint pollution. The main water pollution status quo in Yangtze valley are as follows: there exist pollution belts near the bank of urban river sections, water pollution in middle and small rivers as well as in urban rivers is serious, the pollution transfers to the downstream of city and to the Yangtze, eutrophication in lakes is prominent, water pollution of the Yangtze impacts the ecological environment of the East China sea, pollution accident and pollution caused by ship on the river have not been effectively controlled, water pollution has threatened the safety of water supply and fishery resource. At present, the water resources protection of the Yangtze is still confronted with very severe situation. As water is the substance base on which human rely for existence, so, in the mean time of economic development, how to protect Yangtze is an arduous and longterm task we confront with.
作者 翁立达
出处 《人民长江》 EI 北大核心 2001年第7期1-5,共5页 Yangtze River
关键词 水资源保护 水污染 状态环境 长江 water resources protection state of water pollution ecological environment Yangtze River
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