

How to distingaisb the type ofpowcr-flow when planetary carrier Has an input or output workpiece.
摘要 本文对普通应用的由系杆H为输出、输入件的封闭周转轮系,在分析了其功率流六种情况的基础上,提出了功率流类型的判断方法,最后以实例说明此判断方法的具体应用。 The most conmmly used closed planetary systems with carrier as input or output member, are investigated, Based on the analysis of six different systems, the criterion for dis tinguishing its power-flow type is proposed. Examples are elaborated to illust rate its practical applicat(?)ion.
作者 刘季颖
机构地区 北京轻工业学院
出处 《机械设计》 CSCD 北大核心 1991年第1期18-20,53,共4页 Journal of Machine Design
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