4Xan Rice, “White water torrent to die as nation gambles on huge Nile dam project”, The Guardian, May 31, 2007.
5“Number of Dams, by Continent and Country”, http://www. worldwater, org/data20022003/Tablel 2. xls.
6Foreign Ministry of Turkey, “Water: A source of conflict of cooperation in the Middle East?” http ://www. tufa. gov. tr/NR/rdonlyres/90FA9414- 47D7- 4C57- 9583-DB896D6264F4/0/WaterASourceofConflictofCoopintheMiddleEast, pdf.
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8Armelle Braun, “The Mega-Project of Mesopotamia”, Ceres: FAO Review, March 1994, p. 26.
9“Turkish-Syrlan-Iraqi dispute over water”, Fertile Crescent Region, Analysis, December 8, 1997.
10Cf. Btilent Topkaya, “Water Resources in the Middle East: Forthcoming Problems and Solutions for Sustainable Development of the Region”, Akdeniz University Faculty of Engineering, Turkey, July 1998, http ://www. akdeniz, edu. tr/muhfak/publications/gap, html#Syfia.