
移动通信中基于空时CM均衡的抗多径干扰技术 被引量:4

The anti-multipath technique based on spatial-temporal CM equalization in mobile communication systems
摘要 为补偿因空间角扩展和时延扩展同时存在而引起的多径干扰 ,将 CM阵推广至二维结构 ,利用基于 CMA恒模算法的空时联合信号处理技术对其进行均衡。基于包含信号到达方向 ( DOA)的信道模型 ,推导出了 CMA空时联合恒模算法 ,并分析了其收敛特性。计算机仿真表明 ,该算法保持了 CMA算法的盲均衡特性 ,算法简便。 To equalize the signal distortion caused by multipath interference with the angle spread and the delay spread,it extend the CM array to spatial-temporal structure, using the spatial-temporal combined signal processing technology based on the constant modulus algorithm (CMA) to equalize signal. Based on a channel model containing the information of the direction of arrivals (DOA), the spatial-temporal combined CMA was derived and it's convergence properties were analyzed. By computer simulation it is showed that the spatial-temporal combined CMA preserves blind equalization property and computational simplicity.
出处 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 2001年第2期214-216,255,共4页 Chinese Journal of Radio Science
基金 华为科技基金资助项目
关键词 盲均衡 多径干扰 移动通信 CM均衡 CM array blind equalization multipath interference
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