根据板栗萌芽性强 ,更新后恢复快的特性 ,对丧失结果能力 ,而其根、干健壮的板栗树 ,采用重截主干或主枝、枝组更新复壮 ,配以土、肥管理 ,整形修剪 ,病虫防治等综合配套技术 ,使板栗树冠矮化 ,形成便于管理的丰产开心树形 ,更新后 3~ 6a比对照增产 1.13~ 3 .6 7倍 ;更新后 3~ 5a比新造幼树增产 2 .70~ 9.0 6倍 ;经过 6a的试验研究 ,平均单株产量提高到 6 .4kg ,获得了每公顷产 2 5 5 9 0kg的丰产记录 ,投入与产出之比为 1∶4,每公顷收益超过2 5 5 0
Via such a technique as pruning and regeneration of old trees,combined with soil and fertilizer management as well as disease and pest control,canopy of Chinese chestnut has dwarfed.During three to six years after this treatment,the chestnut yield has increased 1 13 to 3 67 times.During three to five years after the treatment,the chestnut yield has increased 2 7 to 9 06 times more than that of newly planting young trees.The average yield per tree has risen to 6 4 kg.The ratio of input to output is 1∶4
Journal of Jiangsu Forestry Science & Technology