根据ZL1 0 1非树枝晶铝合金在 575℃ ,578℃加热时的组织变化 ,分析了在等温处理时的晶粒长大动力学。在共晶温度以下保温时 ,初生相α Al的长大较慢 ,晶粒长大因子为 2 9,Si颗粒通过共晶相的部分熔化凝聚粗化。在共晶温度以上保温时 ,初生相α Al晶粒迅速长大 ,晶粒长大因子为 1 5,共晶相区域缩小 ,Si颗粒进一步粗化。
The grain growth kinet ics of i sothermal heat treatment were investigat ed according to the structural variation of non-dendrite aluminum alloy of ZL101 during preheating at the temperature of 575℃ and 578℃.The primary alpha grain si ze increased gradually when heating belo w the eutectic temperature,the grain gro wth exponent was 2 9.While heating isoth ermally above the eutectic temperature t he primary alpha grain grown rapidly and the grain growth exponent was 1 5,the si licon particles coagulated and coarsened as the eutectic phase partially melted ,the eutectic phase region obviously shr ank and the silicon particle continuousl y coarsen.
Shanghai Metals