在总结级进模排样图形设计方案的前提下 ,综合利用VC6 0与AutoCAD2 0 0 0软件具有面向未来、智能化轻松设计环境的特色 ,提出了为广大模具设计人员借助个人电脑输入生成级进模复杂排样图形的设计方案。设计了具有图形知识表示、推理机、图形模块和输入法模块的级进模排样图形专家系统。
This paper puts foward a complex strip design of progressive die based on person computer. The design method adopts VC 6 0 and AutoCAD2000, which own facing future and intellectualized easiest design environments. The graphic expert system of progressive die strip possess the expression of graphic knowledge, inference, graphic model and imput model.
Die and Mould Technology