

Japan Textbook Incident and the Rise of the Japan Right-winged Forces
摘要 日本美化侵略的教科书事件的出现 ,并非偶然。战后日本极右翼势力曾遭重创 ,冷战时期美国为了其全球战略需要 ,对其加以扶植。70 -80年代 ,日本经济实力仅次于美国 ,皇国史观、军国主义、狭隘民族主义等极右思潮抬头。90年代 ,日本政党体制发生重大变动 ,保守势力一度受挫 ,不久重又上台。近年来 ,随着日本政党政治的重大转变 ,日本社会民主政治的影响力减弱 ,军国主义与狭隘民族主义抬头 ,极右翼势力更加猖狂。日本教科书事件的出现看似偶然 ,但实则冰冻三尺 ,非一日之深。这一现象的出现溯因于日本根深蒂固的皇国史观、难以泯灭的军国主义野心、时时涌动的偏狭的民族主义情绪以及日本政党政治右倾化加剧、日本经济与社会改革陷入困境等复杂的历史原因和社会政治、经济原因。全世界爱好和平的人民 。 It is not just by accident that propped up the incident concerning the Japanese textbooks that beautify their aggression. During the post-War period, the Japan extreme right-winged forces once suffered, yet, it was fostered by the U.S. government amid the Cold War for the implementation of Americas global strategies. In the 70s and 80s, Japan came in second right after the U.S. in its economic power, which fostered the rise of the extreme right-winged force such as the adoration of the history of Japanese emperors, militarism, and ultranationalism. In the 90s, the Japanese political party system underwent a radical change with the result that the conservative forces were for one time frustrated and in no time, gained its ground. Recently, due to the transformation in the Japanese party politics, the impact of the social democratic politics weakened; militarism, and ultranationalism is on the rise, and the extreme right-winged forces become increasingly rampant. The seemingly accidental incident of the Japan textbooks is in fact well-grounded. All this can be said to have arisen from the deep-rooted adoration of Japanese emperors, inextinguishable military aggression, inherent biased ultranationalism, the intensification of right-deviation in Japanese political parties, plague in Japanese economy and social reformation, etc. All the peace-loving people around the world should exercise constant vigilance against the rise of the Japan right-winged forces and revival of its militarism.
作者 周敏凯
出处 《南通师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2001年第2期23-28,共6页 Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)
关键词 日本教科书事件 日本极右翼势力 侵略战争 军国主义 民族主义 皇国史观 Japan textbook incident Japan Right-winged Forces causes








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