维护商标权益 ,丰富、发展我国商标法律制度 ,需要对我国《商标法》调整范围加以突破与完善。第一 ,需要放开对商标权利主体的限制。应当承认我国自然人商标权利主体地位 ,规定共有人享有商标权利 ,放宽对商标权主体行使权利的限制。第二 ,增加有关受保护商标的品种。包括扩大商标构成要素的范围 ,增加集体商标、证明商标的规定 ,增加驰名商标保护的条款 ,完善地理标记及原产地名称的保护 。
The regulating range for Trademark Law of China must be broken through and completed to uphold the trade rights and perfect the trademark law system. On the one hand, we should abandon control over the subjects of trademark rights, recognize natural persons status on trademark rights, stipulate that every person enjoys trademark rights; on the other hand, we should increase trademark varieties under perfection, enlarging the range of constituents of a trademark, working out more regulations for collective trademarks and certifying trademarks, increasing protecting clauses for renowned marks, perfecting protection for geographic marks and original producing areas and showing necessary concerns for users of unregistered trademarks.
Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)