《论语》是先秦文言的典范作品 ,是孔子及其弟子口语的辑录 ,记录孔子言语最为详赡。透视《论语》的语言面貌是有意义的。孔子的修辞观是在“辞达”原则之下的实践观。《论语》具有音节自然 ,参差有致的特点 ,三四音节句的大量使用 ,辅以法乎自然的长短句 ,使得言语的大众教化色彩很浓 ,平实浅近。《论语》巧用辞格 ,其对比无雕凿痕迹 ;其反复表达内涵丰富 ;其比喻清新自然 ,不落窠臼。《论语》言语简洁洗练 ,辞约旨丰。《论语》中疑问句和语气词的巧妙运用 ,与儒家教化宗旨相适应 ,语如其人 。
The Analects of Confucius, a masterpiece among the classic works of the pre-Qin period, is a collection of the dialogues between Confucius and his followers, which has the most detailed record of his speeches. With its natural syllables and widely employed sentences of three or four syllables accompanied by alternative long and short sentences, the book provides us a simple and unadorned style with great emphasis on public enlightenment with its speeches. It manipulates various rhetoric devices such as appropriate contrast, meaningful repetition, natural and fresh similes and metaphors. Its terse language and great application of interrogative sentences and auxiliaries expressing mood go in excellent accordance with the Confucian creed.
Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)