要在中学语文教学中贯彻大语文教育思想 ,就必须把语文教学从“工具”向“人”转化 ,走素质教育之路。要培育具有创新精神、创造能力的现代新人 ,只有彻底改变过去应试教育僵化保守的教育目标、教条刻板的教学模式 ,以人为本 ,以人文关怀、知识体系、实践能力为价值取向 ,通过致力人文关怀、博学融通百科、敏于现实行动的教学策略 ,培养和涵育学生的精神、文化、知识、能力 。
It is necessary to implement quality education in carrying out the principles of teaching Chinese in broad sense. The examination-oriented selection of teaching goals and the dogmatic and stiff teaching mode have to be changed in order to train modern persons with creativity. Instead, the humanistic considerations, systematic knowledge, communicative competence should be selected as teaching goals, and achieving mastery through active comprehensive study of subjects should be taken as learning strategy to maintain the continual development of Chinese language teaching.
Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)