改革开放以来 ,农村家庭联产承包责任制的推行 ,极大地解放了我国农村的社会生产力。但是 ,若干年来也出现了农业生产力长期徘徊、缺乏后劲的现象。究其原因 ,除了我国人多地少、经济底子薄、农业投入不足等客观因素外 ,更存在着有关农业用地法律制度方面的原因。笔者认为 。
The productive forces in our country's rural area have been greatly liberated since the Reform and Opening up policy, especially the output related System of Contracted Responsibility. However, the development slows down gradually in recent years, which is caused by some unavoidable difficulties as well as the legal system defect. Yet I argue that one of the most important reason be the lack of real property right subject concerning collective land ownership.
Journal of Wuxi University of Light Industry(Social Science Edition)