在社会主义初级阶段 ,高等教育面临的矛盾是人民日益增长的高等教育需求与高等教育资源严重短缺之间的矛盾。由此带来了教育中突出的公平与效率问题 ,如何在兼顾公平的前提下追求最大效率是我们目前的一道难题。在高等学校教育经费投入不足和浪费严重同时并存的情况下 。
At primary socialist stage, higher education's contradiction is that between people's increasing requirement for higher education and serious shortage of higher education's resources. This brought the salient question of educational equity and efficiency, and how to pursue furthest efficiency and give consideration to equity at the same time is a difficult problem now. With the inadequate expenditure of college education and serious wasting of it, the practice will prove it the solution that higher education goes on the industrialization road.
Journal of Wuxi University of Light Industry(Social Science Edition)