制度伦理是人们从制度系统中汲取的道德观念和伦理意识以及人们把一定社会的伦理原则和道德要求规定为制度的双向互动的辩证统一。制度伦理是一种文化现象。制度伦理与经济伦理相互联系、相互区别 ,经济制度伦理是两者的交集。市场经济的制度伦理包括产权制度伦理 :尊重产权 ;分配制度伦理 :公平分配 ;交易制度伦理 :平等交易、诚实守信、遵守契约 ;企业制度伦理 :企业伦理责任等。
The institutional ethics has two kinds of meanings which are united dialectically: the one is the moral ideas coming from the institutions; the other is the social ethical principles are drawn up to institutions. It is a cultural phenomenon. The institutional ethics interacts with and differs from the economic ethics, and their common contents are the ethics of economic systems. The institutional ethics of market economy contains the ethics of the systems of property rights which is one's respectable property rights, and the ethics of distribution systems which distributes impartially, and the ethics of transaction systems which deals equally and keeps one's word and abides by contracts, and the ethics of enterprise systems which is the ethical responsibilities of enterprise.
Journal of Xiangfan University
湖北省教育厅重点科研项目! ( 99S0 49)