孙中山先生在 2 0世纪初叶形成的社会主义观 ,对后人研究和实践社会主义产生过重要影响。文章通过对孙中山先生社会主义观的形成与发展、内涵与特征以及与科学社会主义观的联系与区别的探析 ,指出了孙中山先生对认识社会主义的贡献 ,同时也指出了孙中山社会主义观与科学社会主义观的本质差别。
Mr. Sun Yatsen formed his view on socialism at the beginning of the century, which had exerted an important influence on descendants researching and pracitising of socialism. This paper explores the formation and development, implications and characters of his socialist view and makes a comparison between his view and scientific view of socialist, and points out Mr. Sun's contribution to understanding of socialism and the differences between his socialism and scientific view of socialism.
Journal of Xiangfan University