标题是文章的眼睛 ,好的标题不但能眉目传神 ,还能画龙点睛。利用变异性修辞手段制作新闻标题能达到一种特殊的表达效果 ,使标题新颖别致、意蕴丰厚、妙趣横生 ,增强新闻作品的感染力和吸引力。文章试从谐音变异、搭配变异、词性变异、色彩变异、矛盾变异、语体变异等六个方面 。
The title of an article is a key to its contents and effective title can reveal the outline of the article.The paper discusses the variational rhetoric devices,which can help to achieve some special effect,and their pragmatic value in news titles from the following aspects:the associative variation bewteen homonymous;collocational variation;variation of the parts of speech;connotative variation;oxymoron variation and variation in language varieties.The paper reaches the conclusion that to achieve the vividness and expressiveness in news titles,we should amply different kinds of variational rhetorical devices.
Journal of Xiangfan University