魏晋文人在诗文中对庄子的“逍遥”境界有比较集中的描写 :阮籍的以“心游”为精神的慰藉和解脱 ,嵇康的心身同在现实中的优游容与 ,西晋文人的顺自然之游 ,以及陶渊明的心与自然泯一 ,可以说无一不禀承庄子的“逍遥游”思想。
Zhuangzi's carefree thoughts were described in the poems by scholars in Weijin Dynasty as follows: Yuanji's cheerful mood as spiritual comfort, Jikang's carefree combined with reality in physically and mentally, the thought of going with stream by scholars in Xijin Dynasty, and Tao Yuanming's suitableness of mood with time and nature. All of these are in accordance with Zhuangzi's carefree thoughts. This is the expression of their seeking freedom for their personality.
Journal of Beihua University(Social Sciences)