对企业的探讨和研究是经济学的至关重要的问题。新古典经济学把企业看成是生产要素的组合或者一个生产函数 ,但没有注意到这一事实 :企业的运作还需要交易成本 ,并且交易成本对产出具有重要作用。新制度经济学的探讨的主要层面是企业的成因 ,却没有深入考察企业内部活动的特性 ,没有深刻把握交易成本的生产性。文章认为 ,企业的交易成本内生于生产要素的结合 (即生产成本 ) ,而生产成本内生于专业化分工的收益。因此 ,交易成本和生产成本是统一的 ,其统一的内在逻辑是 :当企业的生产达到静态均衡时 ,作为企业的共同成本 ,交易成本的边际产出率 (MPTC) ,与生产成本的边际产出率 (MPPC)相等 ,即MPTC =MPPC。
The enterprise has been regarded as the combination of the production factors,or a production function.However,an important fact has been neglected in the operation of the enterprise,the transaction cost is always necessary,futhermore,the transaction cost plays an important role to the production.In the new system economics,the main field of discussion is the reason for the formation of the enterprise.However,the production nature of the transaction cost in the enterprise has not been studied deeply. In this article,the author thinks the transaction cost originates from the combination of the factors,which is the production cost,and the production cost originates from the revenue of specialization of work.Therefore,the transaction cost and the production cost are integrated.The integrity is:When the production reach the static equilibrium,as the cost of the enterprise,the marginal production ratio of the transaction cost(MPTC)and the marginal production ratio of the production cost(MPPC)is equal.
Journal of Xi'an Petroleum Institute(Social Sciences)