道的概念渊源流长 ,老子对道做了突破性提升 ,使其成为中国思想中最富想像力的核心词语。海德格尔在其思想的核心问题及主导词语上同老子实现了平等的“对话”和相互的汇通。在不同的历史文化背景下比较研究二者的相同和相异 。
The concept of Tao has a long history, Lao Tzu made a breakthrough and and raised it to a higher level. So 'Tao' becomes the most imaginative key w ord in Chinese thoughts. Heidegger and Lao Tzu has an equal talk and internal cr ossing on the kernel problem and leading words of Heidegger's thoughts. under di fferent historical and cultural background the comparison and research between t he two philosophers ideas can give us profound modern enlightenment.
Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences)