劳伦斯是妇女解放运动的积极拥护者 ,也是行动者 ,但父权社会的男性中心主义思想始终沉淀在他的心里 ,使他深受父权制代表人物亚里斯多德的等级制及卢梭的男女自然本位观的影响。劳伦斯在尝试指出妇女达到真正完美幸福生活的途径时 ,不免流露出其男权意识形态 。
D.H. Lawrence,an actiue advocater and doer of womeris Li beration Movement,has impressively created, out of his evaluation of the male an d the female, harmonious relationships between man and woman. But Lawrence's co nsciousness of male superiority is actually all the way working in his writings, as the views of Aristotle and Rousseau on the female, influencing him indirectl y or consciously , lead him to the creation of alienated woman characters, who c an only find their happiness in female obedience and concession.
Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences)