盐专卖制度是抗日战争时期国民政府经济统治政策的组成部分。藉此 ,国民政府获得了可观的财政收入 ,维持了战时盐业生产 ,从而实现了兼顾国课民食的目标。同时 ,通过对食盐价格的控制 ,也有利于国统区物价的稳定及社会经济秩序的安宁。当然 ,在战争环境中实施盐专卖制度本身已有很多困难 ,难免产生许多弊端 。
Salt monopoly system is an important part of the economic system of the Nationalist Government in the Period of the Anti\|Japanese War. Through this system, the government acquired a large revenue to sustain its salt production and meet the country's demand for salt. Through its control over salt price, moreover, it contributed to the stability of prices and economic order in the Nationalist Government controlled areas. The implementation of the salt monopoly was, however, itself a difficult job in the wartime, its problems being worsened by the corruption of the the government workers at all levels.
Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences