融地理学与文学于一书的《徐霞客游记》 ,向来被看作是一部奇人写的奇书。徐氏七次游浙 ,浙江是他涉足次数最多的省份。明崇祯九年 (16 36 )他第七次游浙 ,写下了著名的《浙游日记》 ,这篇游记成为他整个游记中的重要篇章。《浙游日记》中对地方性的民情风俗多有所涉 ,在行文的三言两语中 ,涵义深刻 ,语言简练 ,蕴含着丰富的社会生活内容。我们对它作注、作释、作解 ,有助于对其整个游记的社会价值的认识和理解 。
Xu Xiake's Travel Notes kas always been regarded as a unique literary and geographic book. Xu toured Zhejiang seven times as his most favorite place. His Zhejiang Travel Notes, written on his seventh journey in 1636, makes up an important part in his Travel Notes. It records many of the local folklore and customs in very exact and meaningful albeit simple descriptions which reveal to us the social and cultural life of his contemporary local inhabitants in this part of China. The study of his Notes may therefore be helpful with a better understanding of life and a promotion of the tourist industry in this province.
Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences