社会主义市场经济的大潮所带来的社会结构的巨变 ,带动了社会伦理道德建设领域的变化。社会上出现了一系列令人担忧的伦理道德问题。有人提出要“用市场经济原则代替道德原则”。然而 ,在市场经济中 ,有些活动的评价只能到经济原则中去寻找恰当的答案 ,而不宜到道德原则里去寻找答案 。
With the socialist economic system changing ,there are some changes in the moral area.Someone argue that the renewal of moral ideas is to replace the moral rule with market economy rule . I think that the economy rule is not the same as that of disorder of economic procedure,even social procedure.
Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Social Sciences Edition)