
刑事辩护中律师与委托人的关系 被引量:6

The Relationship between the Defend Attorney and Client in Criminal Procedure
摘要 在刑事辩护中 ,当辩护律师与委托人的意见发生分歧时 ,一般以为律师不应违背委托人的意愿做出有损其合法利益的辩护。然而 ,当律师认为委托人的主观意愿违背了其本身的客观利益时 ,律师应当如何选择这一问题在法学界一直没有定论。文章首先指出 :现实生活中对律师和委托人关系存在两种不同理解 :完全委托模式和诉讼代行模式。在列举了美国法曹协会和日本律师联合会对上述问题的看法和有关规定后 ,针对日美两国对刑事辩护人职能和地位的认识差异开展了比较分析。最后 ,作者提出刑事辩护和律师应当开展有利于委托人的辩护活动 ,尊重委托人的选择和主观意愿 ,并通过主动的接触和沟通与委托人建立充分的信赖关系。在辩护律师与委托人在辩护方针和策略上出现矛盾时 ,辩护律师应当加强对委托人的理解 ,不能将自己的意志强加于委托人。当然 ,在一些特定的情况下 (如委托人的精神残疾、死刑案件等 ) ,允许辩护律师凭借自身的判断为委托人提供妥当的辩护服务。 In the Criminal Procedure,the relationship between the defend attorney and client has always been a difficult problem.Sometimes, for a lawyer the client’s proposal seems to be unreasonable or illogical.Should they follow the cilent’s ideas to process the lawsuit or just believe themselves to select the right way?Actually there are two different opinions on this problem,one is called the “completely entrust model”and the other is called “appeal agent model”.Here the author compares the role of the criminal defense lawyer made by ABA and JAA,and explains the original opinion of the previous problem.
作者 彭勃
机构地区 深圳大学法学院
出处 《北京科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2001年第2期68-75,共8页 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 完全委托模式 诉讼行为代行模式 自我辩护权 辩护人 辩护权 律师伦理 刑事辩护 律师 委托人 completely entrust model appeal agent model the rights of self defense criminal defense lawyer lawyer ethics
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  • 4[8](原注)ABA, Standards for Criminal Justice Prosecution Function and Defense Function(3rd ed. 1993).
  • 5[9](原注) Seiegel, Lawyer and Client Decisionmarkting: Informed Consent and the Legal Profession, 128 University of Penssylvania Law Review 1979(41).但是,该论文主要
  • 6[10](原注) Uphoff, The Role of the Criminal Defense Lawyer in Representing the Mentally Impaired Defendant: Zealous Advocate or Officer of the Court? Wisconsin Law Review 1988(65):73.
  • 7[11](原注)举例而言, Feldman, Maximizing Client Satisfacation, Law Practice Management, Sept. 1997: 32; Morrow,Client Satisfaction: Our main Goal, California Lawyer, Dec.1993 : 91: Zwicker, Keep Your Client Satisfied, ABA Journal, Aug. 1991:100.
  • 8[14](原注) Chused, Faretta and personal Defense: The Role of a Represented Defendant in Trial Tactics, 65 Californian law Review 636: 651- 656.
  • 9[15](原注)Jones v. Barnes,463 U. S. 745(1983).
  • 10[17](原注)Taylor v.lllionis,484 U. S. 400(1988):417-418.










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