在3 055亩盐碱荒滩池塘中进行了大面积套养梭鱼试验。亩均放养大规格鱼种643尾,其中梭鱼占总放养量的 24%。清塘施肥,科学投饵,调节水质,防治鱼病,经 8个月的饲养管理,亩均净产商品鱼424.2 kg,其中梭鱼109.3 kg。亩均纯利润1229.1元,投入产出比1:1.5。该成果达到国内先进水平.
In the pond of 3 055 mu,the experiment of fish intercropping was conducted. The stocking density of the large size fingerling was 643 per mu, 24% of which was Mugil soing. After 8 months of management such as clearing and fertilizing the pond, feeding reasonably and controlling the water quality, preventing and treating the diseases, the yield of the marketable fish on average was 424. 2 kg per mu, of which the Mugil soiug was 109. 3 kg,the net profit was 1 229. 1 yuan per mu,the input output ratio was 1: 1. 5.
Shandong Fisheries