20 0 0年台湾经济深受政局动荡之累 ,发展速度仅为 5 .98% ,仍处于低速徘徊之中 ;两岸经贸持续扩大 ,大陆依然是台湾最大的贸易顺差来源地 ,赴大陆投资企业进一步增多 ;岛内投资环境恶化 ,作为经济成长主动力的民间投资与消费不振 ;股市惨跌 ,民众财富大幅缩水 ;金融情势可危 ;
Affected by an unstable political situation, economic growth in Taiwan in the year 2000 was only 5.98 percent, and its economy still fluctuated at a low rate. The trade across the Taiwan Straits continued to expand, China's Mainland remained the most important source of Taiwan's trade surplus, and more Taiwan invested businesses opened their doors. The investment environment deteriorated in Taiwan; as the main momentum of economic growth, non government investment and consumption ran sluggish. Stock prices dropped sharply, and the people's fortunes shrank to a great extent. The financial situation is at risk, and unemployment continued to be on the climb. This article also analyzes the economic policies of Taiwan in the year 2000 and predicts its economic situation in the new century.
Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences)