基于重力分离SHS法制备陶瓷内衬复合管 ,采用CrO3 +TiO2 +C +Al+NiO燃烧体系合成出具有钢基体、中间过渡合金与内衬陶瓷三层结构的复合管 .内衬陶瓷中α -Al2 O3 以树枝晶沿径向向心分布 ,(Al2 O3+Ti2 O3 )共晶两相形成枝晶晶界且沿径向存在着成分偏析 .中间过渡合金是以Fe -Cr -Ni-Al -Ti为基且富Ti的碳化钛颗粒呈梯度分布而构成 ,与钢基体形成冶金熔合 ,并与内衬陶瓷通过碳化物的桥接作用及与因重力分离不完全而残留于陶瓷上的Cr -Ni -Ti合金相连接 ,实现金属 /陶瓷间SHS瞬间液相连接 (SHS -TLPB) .
On basis of using gravitational separation SHS process to produce ceramic lined composite pipes, CrO 3+Al+(TiO 2+C+Al+NiO) combustion system is used with three layer structure of steel, intermediate alloy and ceramics. In lined ceramics α-Al 2O 3 in the appearance of dendrite is distributed centripetrally along radial direction. The dendritical boundary is composed of (Al 2O 3+Ti 2O 3) eutectic structure and segregation phenomenon between Al 2O 3 and Ti 2O 3 in eutectic structure is determined along radial direction. Intermediate alloy is made up of Fe-Cr-Ni-Al-Ti base with graded distribution of Ti carbide particles which are enriched with Ti element. Intermediate alloy is joined with steel pipes by metallurgical fusing, and is bonded with lined ceramics through bridging effect of carbide with Ti enrichment. The joining mechanism of residual Cr-Ni-Ti alloy phase in ceramics is clue to the uncompleted gravitational separation phenomena in melts, by which transient liquid phase bonding (TLPB) between metal and ceramics is formed.
Materials Science and Technology
国家自然科学基金资助项目 !(5 9972 0 43 )