设(Xn; n≥1)是一类由作者提出的强正相依(SPD)随机序列[1] ,它的相依条件弱于由 Esary等[2]所定义的相协性(Association);假设 EXn=0,令Sn= X1+X2+… +Xn(n≥1),以S_(1,n)≤…≤S_(k,n)≤…≤S_(n,n)表示S_1,…,S_n对应的次序统计量.本文主要结果(1)导出 S_(k,n)(1≤k≤ n; n≥1)的若干矩不等式,特别是 Doob不等式;(2)固定k≥1,证明(S_(k,n),n≥1)和(S_n,n≥1)两个序列的L~P(P>1)和几乎必然收敛定理.
Let (X_n,n ≥ 1) is a class of strongly positive dependent (SPD) stochastic sequence which was introduced by author[1]. Its dependence condition is weaker than the association introduced by Esary et al[2]; Suppose EX_n = 0 (n ≥ 1), let S_n = X_1 +… + X_n, and S_(1,n)≤… S_(k,n)≤… S_(n,n) denote (S_1,… S_n) corresponding order statistics. The main results of the paper are following: (i) Some inequalities of moment of S_(k,n) (1≤ k ≤ n, n ≥ 1), particularly Doob's inequality, are derived; (ii) fixed k ≥ 1, L^p (p > 1) and almost sure covergence theorem for (S_(k,n), n ≥ l) and (S_n,n ≥ 1) two sequences are proved.
Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica