为探讨等容血液稀释造成家兔低血压后电针的升压效应 ,并分析其作用机制 ,对麻醉的家兔进行电针刺激实验。先行放血 ,使失血量分别占总血量的 30 %和 5 0 % ,,然后补入等量的生理盐水造成等容血液稀释。出现血压降低 ,心率改变和微血管变化再电针“足三里”穴观察血压、心率和微血管的效应。结果表明 :30 %等容稀释出现低血压后电针具有明显的升压作用 (P <0 .0 1) ,心率稍减慢 ,眼结膜微血管血流加速和管径稍变大。 5 0 %等容稀释出现明显低血压后再电针已不具有升压作用 ,但能维持血压在一定水平 ,心率加快 ,眼结膜微血管内血流变慢 (P <0 .0 1) ,部分血管关闭。提示 :等容血液稀释在 30 %左右时 ,电针有最好的升压作用。
In order to investigate the effect of electroacupuncture in elevating the isovolumetric blood dilution-induced hypotension of the rabbits and to analyze its functional mechanism, an electroacupuncture stimulation experiment was carried out in anaesthetized rabbits. First, 30% and 50% of the total blood volume (two groups, respectively) of the rabbits were letted out, separately. Then a supplement of 30% and 50% of equivalent normal saline (two groups, respectively) was infused into the rabbits to cause isovolumetric blood dilution. After that, an electroacupuncture was used to stimulate the rabbits' ' Zusanli' point (St.36) and the changes in blood pressure, heart rate and micrangium were recorded. Results showed that the electroacupuncture can significantly elevate the blood pressure in rabbits with hypotension induced by 30% normal saline dilution (P<0.01), slightly lower the heart rate, accelerate the blood flow of eye conjunctiva micrangium and slightly enlarge the blood caliber (P<0.01). But after 50% isovolumetric dilution, the repeated electroacupunture can no longer obviously elevate the hypotension, but it could maintain the blood pressure to a certain extent, increase the heart rate slightly, and decrease the blood flow in eye conjunctiva micrangium (P<0.01). In addition some of the blood vessel was closed. This study indicates that electroacupuncture can best elevate the blood pressure of the rabbits with 30% isovolumetric blood dilution.
Journal of Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities
blood dilution
blood pressure
heart rate