目的 进一步了解维思通与其他抗精神病药物副作应的差异。方法 按标准对收集的16篇关于维思通与其他抗精神病药物导致副作用的论文进行Meta分析。结果(1)维思通与其他抗精神病药物导致副作用显著不同,维思通以肌强直、静坐不静、失眠焦虑为主,而其他抗精神病药物以便秘、心动过速、视力模糊、流涎、嗜睡、头昏、记忆下降、WBC下降为主。(2)维思通所致副作用的效应(ES)比较低,ES=0.12~0.33,而其他抗精神病药物导致的其他副作用的效应比较明显,ES=0.52~0.78。(3)归因分析发现维思通导致的副作用肌强直、静坐不能、震颤、失眠焦虑是其他抗精神病药物的2.53~4.54倍,而其他抗精神病药物导致的其他副作用是维思通的2.51~7.78倍。结论 维思通与其他抗精神病药物导致的副作用显著不同,除效应较小的肌强直、静坐不能、失眠焦虑外几乎没有其他副反应。
Objective To understand the difference in incidence of side effects of risperidone and other antipsychot-ics. Methods Meta - analysis was done for papers on incidence of side effects induced by risperidone and other antip-sychotics. Results It was found that difference in incidence of side effects by risperidone (dystonia, akathisia, insomnia anxiety) and other antipsychotics (constipation, tachycardia, blurred vision, salivate, drowsiness,dizziness,memory disterbance, leukopenia) was significant. The effect size(ES)of side effects by risperidone was between 0.12 and 0.33, other antipsychotics between 0.52 and 0.78. The incidence of dystonia,akathisia, tremor and insomnia anxiety induced by risperidone was 2.53-4.54 folds of that by other antipsychotics, and incidence of constipation, tachycardia, blurred vision, salivate, drowsiness, dizziness, memory disterbance, hypotension, alteration of EKG and leukopenia induced by other antipsychotics was 2.51-7.78 folds of that by risperidone. Conclusion There was significant difference in incidence of different side effects by risperidone and other antipsychotics. Risperidone was characterized by little side effects except extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) with light effect size.
Shangdong Archives of Psychiatry