目的 探讨中学生家庭因素与行为问题的相关因素。方法 应用自编的相应因素问卷及Achenbach儿童行为量表 (CBCL) ,通过病例对照与多因素分析相结合的方法。对 2 5 0例有行为问题的中学生及 2 142例无行为问题的中学生的家庭诸多因素进行分析。结果 中学生男性各年龄组CBCL平均得分显著高于女性 ,且随年龄的增长有下降趋势。其行为问题的发生与父母患精神疾病 ,父亲文化程度低、酗酒、性格内向、很少在家居住及缺陷家庭、父母教育方式不当、亲子关系差有关。结论 中学生行为问题的发生与家庭诸多因素有关。
Objective [WT5”BZ]To explore the relationship of between family factors and behavior problems in middle school students. Methods Two hundred and fifty children with behavior problems and 2142 healthy children were investigated with a comprehensive family factor questionnaire and Achenback Child Behavior Chechlist (CBCL). The comparative analysis and the multivariable analysis were applied in the data process. Results The average score of CBCL in male students were significantly higher than that in female students. However, this difference was getting smaller with the increase of age. The occurrence of behavior problems were related to their parents’mental illness, low degree of education, heavy drinking, introvert personality, long time leaving from family, unsuitable education ways to the children and poor relation with the children. Conclusion The occurrence of behavior problems in middle school students was related to various factors of their families.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science
Middle school student
Behavior problem
Comparative study