目的 探讨大学生睡眠障碍的事件相关电位 (P30 0 )的变化。方法 对 5 0例睡眠障碍者和 31例对照者 ,分别记录Cz ,Pz的事件相关电位。结果 睡眠障碍组的P30 0 潜伏期 (PL)延长 ,波幅 (AMP)降低 ,与对照组比较差异有显著性 ;比较睡眠障碍组中工科与医科的P30 0 改变 ,发现工科睡眠障碍者PL延长 ,AMP下降 ,差异有显著性。结论 睡眠障碍可能影响大脑皮层认知电位的改变 ,认知功能可能受损。
Objective To explore the change of P 300 in undergraduates with sleeping disorder. Methods 50 sleeping disorders and 31 normal control subjects were administered auditory P 300 at Cz, Pz. Results Undergraduates with sleeping disorders exhibited significant reduced P 300 amplitudes and prolonged latencies, which were significantly different from those of normal control subjects. Engineering undergraduates with sleeping disorders exhibited significant reduced P 300 amplitudes and prolonged latencies than medical ones. Conclusion Sleeping disorders can affect cognitive potentials of brain cortex and cognitive functions.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science