目的:观察α1A受体阻滞药合用抗生素治疗慢性前列腺炎的疗效,探讨α1A受体阻滞药在缓解慢性前列腺炎综合征中的作用与机制。方法:将178例慢性前列腺炎患者随机分为两组,实验组口服α1A受体阻滞药(盐酸坦格新)及氧氟沙星,对照组仅口服氧氟沙星.治疗6周,观察治疗前后尿动力学指标、前列腺液常规及前列腺炎症状评分的变化。结果:合用α1A 受体阻滞药治疗慢性前列腺炎较单用抗生素更为有效。结论;α1A受体阻滞药可降低后尿道压力,缓解尿液前列腺反流.改善慢性前列腺炎患者的症状。
Purpose: To investigate the efficiency of a1A adrenoceptor blocker in treatment of chronic prostatitis. Methods: 178 patients with chronic prostatitis received either α1A adrenoceptor blocker(tamsulosin) combined with ofloxasin or the latter alone for 6 weeks. Symptoms scores, urodynamic indexes and prostatic secretion examination were recorded before and after therapy. Result: There are more significant therapeutic effects of tamsulosin combined with ofloxasin than that of ofloxasin alone in the treatment of chronic prostatitis. Conclusion:α1A adrenoceptor blocker can decrease the intraurethral pressure, prevent urethroprostatic reflux, improve urinary symptoms of patients with chronic prostatitis.
Journal of Clinical Urology