After establishing a state,Mao Ze-dong developed his idea.It represented mainly: 1 .To point out the important criterion to judge socialist literature and art is advantageous to the socialist reform and construction. 2. To put forward the policy of 'let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend'. 3. To expound 'make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China', to opposite overall westernization . 4. To suggest a creative work method---revolutionary realism combines with revolutionary romanticism. 5.To devote much attention to the serehing the special law in Literature and art. To set forth a series of peuetrating argumentation. Deng Xiaoping s exposition and argumentation were new development of Mao' s idea in the new age. It displayed mainly: 1. To deepen and develop the understanding of Mao s literary and artistice idea. 2. To put forward the direction of literature and art is serve the people and in the serviceof socialism. 3. To further expound the theory literature and art must combine tightly with people. 4. To stress the viewpoint --- inworks a new type socialist people is described more. 5. To give prominence to opposite bourgeoisie laissez-faire. Jiang Ze-min contributed more to development of Mao s literary and artistic idea. He suggested the independent Viewpoint in ideological culture and confirmed full the important position of socialist literature and art in constraction of socialist spiritual civilization.
aftar building up a country
Mao Ze-dng
the development of Mao Ze-dong's literary and artistic idea
socialist literature and art
Deng Xiao-ping
Jiang Ze-min