企业资源计划 (ERP)是 2 0世纪九十年代发展起来的一个全新的企业管理系统。它在我国企业的应用刚刚起步 ,企业实施ERP系统管理的效益与风险并存。在看到ERP给企业带来巨大效益的同时 ,必须充分认识实施ERP的风险 ,从而有效地防范、控制和化解风险 ,这是成功实施ERP系统管理的关键。
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a fire-new enterprise management system which is developed from the last ten years of the twentieth century. The implement of this system just begins. There are risks and benefits when enterprise implements ERP system. How to efficient avoid, manage and settle the risk is the key point to implement the ERP system successfully.
Journal of Shaanxi Economics and Trade Institute