梁漱溟在促使儒学现代化转型的过程中 ,有众多举措。基于“直觉”这一所谓的心理事实来探究儒家伦理道德 ,为这众多举措中较有特色的一个。在梁漱溟看来 ,伦理、道德的本质就在于直觉。这种将伦理、道德心理化的作法 ,最终将会导致道德虚无主义。
Liang Shu ming did a lot of things in modernizing Confucianism, one being probing into the Confucian ethics by means of using intuition, the so called psychological facts. According to Liang Shu ming, the essence of ethics lies in intuition. This psychological treatment of ethics is bound to lead to moral nihilism.
Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology:Social Sciences