纪游散文是关于作家旅行见闻思感的真实记录 ,它既离不开眼中之景 ,更离不开心中之景。2 0世纪中国作家有着较强的纪游意识 ,也创作出不少纪游散文佳作。这些纪游散文在继承了中国古代纪游散文优良传统的同时 ,又突破了以往的山水写景抒怀传统 ,以现代意识烛照着社会、历史和文化的复杂内容。可以说 ,不论时代多么的不同 ,也不论作家的创作有多少差异 ,但为了个人、家庭、民族、国家和人类不停的漂泊、流浪、歌吟、寻找和追求着 ,这是 2
Travel prose, a genuine narration of what the writers have seen, heard and reflected on during their journeys, are interwoven with the landscape appealing to both the eyes and the minds. Chinese writers of the 20th century, endowed with a profound travel sense. have written quite a few briliant travel prose. Those well-written travel prose have. on the one hand, emulated the fine traditions of the ancient Chinese travel prose and have, on the other hand, transcended above the traditional limited range of merely describing scenery and elevated to the stage of reflecting on society, history and culture by means of modern consciousness. Anyhow, no matter how different the epoches and the writings of writers might be, there has recurred a spiritual thread throughout the evolution of Chinese travel prose in the 20th century, that is. constant wandering and roaming about, extolation, Searching and pursuits.