“人文主义”是 humanism的译名。在中国 ,晚明社会和清朝前期以李贽、汤显祖、戴震、曹雪芹等人为代表的启蒙思潮 ,适宜于称为人文主义。人文主义思潮在当时的中国虽然没有掀起西方那种文艺复兴运动 ,但它是近代文明的滥觞。目前 ,中国学术界对“人文主义”的理解存在着较大歧异 ,有相当多的学者把儒家的精神以及中国文化的精神总括为“人文主义”。本文对“人文主义”一词作了必要的界定 。
The paper borrows 'humanism' from West to illustrate Chinese classical ideology and culture.The enlightening trend of thought happening in late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, should be properly called humanism, which was represented by Li Zhi, Tang Xian zhu, Dai Zhen,Cao Xue qin and so on. Although humanism trend didn't produce revival of literature as occurred in the west,it originated modern culture in China. At present there are many different opinions over the understanding of 'humanism' in Chinese academia.A lot of scholars summarize the spirit of confucianism, even the spirit of Chinese culture as 'humanism'. This paper defines the word 'humanism' necessarily and makes some discrimination and analysis.
Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences