在我国大力提倡素质教育过程中 ,如何发挥电化教学在语文教学中的作用 ,根据问卷调查法、谈话法、咨讯法等可得出以下结论 :掌握好电教片和文章的更替衔接时机 ;正确区分电教片与文章思维方式的不同 ;充分改善和拓宽学生的思维方式。
During the development of quality education in our country,how to make the best use of Audio-Visual Education in Chinese teaching,Conclusions are worked out through the ways of testing-investigation,talking,and consultation 1.Master the chance of the replacement and the connection of Audio-Visual Movie and the article. 2.Make the difference of Audio-Visual Movie from the article's thinking style. 3.Students' way of thinking can be changed and enlarged by Audio-Visual Movie.
Journal of Qinghai Junior Teachers' College