中国股市与改革同步发展 ,与国民经济同向运行 ,但股市波动明显异动于宏观经济高速发展的轨道 ,常以暴涨暴跌、长熊短牛的方式演绎非规范市的个性。究其原因 ,是“政策市”与“投机市”及上市公司品质普通不佳所致。要解决中国股市的异动问题 ,必须要使股市定位由单纯为国企改革服务转向为全国经济服务 ,用市场方式促使股市由政策市向功能市。
The stock market in China is developing simultaneusly with the reform and revolving directly with national economy. But the fluctuation of stock market is wavering differently from the rapid development of macro-economy. It shows the characteristics of standard market by ways of sudden rise and sudden fall with long periods of boom and short periods of bust. The reason is the influence of policies, speculation and the recession of companies in market. To solve the problem of the reversal of the stock market in China, the service of national enterprisers should be changed into the service of economy by the whole country. Through market, stock market should be changed from ploicies into function, from speculation into investment.
Journal of Hengyang Normal University