国内媒体网站现阶段存在着许多问题。针对这一现状 ,应加大新闻信息资源开发力度、提高信息传播质量 ;改变媒体网站内容单一的缺陷 ,推动媒体网站内容及服务综合化 ;网页的设计在现阶段应以简单为美 ;利用媒体自身的优势 ,加强对所属网站的宣传 。
The online journalism is facing some problem and is under the pressure of competition from other types of web sites. This research offers some guidance for solving this puzzle,firstly, making best use of the news resources and improving the quality of communication,secondly, adding more information to web sites and changing the monotony of the content, thirdly,having small web designing guideline, fourthly, promoting a site through the use of traditional media and building the brand of the web site itself.
Journal of Hengyang Normal University