在现代城市和工矿企业密集、复杂以及非金属地下管网探测中 ,高分辨率的探地雷达技术受到人们的高度重视 .作者在对探地雷达方法原理作简要介绍的基础上 ,重点论述了探地雷达探测地下管道等管状目标体的反射规律与解释方法 ;概括了提高探地雷达分辨率的技术措施 ;介绍了资料处理中的时间增益和空间滤波技术 。
First,it has mainly introduced the ground penetrating radar method and its priciple.Then,it has discussed the reflecting and its explaination method of pipe_shaped objects such as underground pipeline and so on when explored by ground penetrating radar.Some technique methods increasing resolution of ground penetrating radar are sum up. The technique of time gain and space wave filter are introduced. Finally,some representative application examples are given.
Journal of Jiaozuo Institute of Technology(Natural Science)
河南省科技攻关项目 (97112 0 10 5 )