某低品位氧化型金矿石含有少量硫化物。根据矿石性质及现场实际 ,采用浮选 -金精矿浸出 -锌粉置换的工艺流程 ,氰化浸渣综合回收铅 ,最终金总回收率为 86 .79% ,银总回收率 6 9.85% ,并可得含铅为 4 3.8%的铅精矿。此方案已在生产实践中得到验证。
The oxidized ore with a lower grade of gold contains a little sulfide. By characteristics of the ore and reality condition of the scene, a technical process of 'flotation-leaching-displaced by zinc powder' was adopted, and overall recovery rate of gold is 86.79% and silver 69.85%. Lead is reclaimed from the leaching residue and a lead concentrate of 43.8%Pb is obtained. The techniques already are validated in practice.
Conservation and Utilization of Mineral Resources