通过锂中和 2∶1型矿物晶层中八面体电荷的方法 ,研究不同土壤中四面体电荷和八面体电荷的比例 ,并通过生物吸收试验对由不同电荷导致的新固定NH+4的释放进行探讨 .结果表明 :土壤固定NH+4的能力取决于矿物层间电荷总量的多少 ,但是由四面体电荷新固定的NH+4比由八面体电荷新固定的NH+4更难以释放 .这意味着当不同土壤的粘粒含量相近和矿物组成相似时 ,电荷发生位置是决定新固定态NH+4释放难易的主要因素 .
The ratio of tetrahedral charge to octrahedral charge was studied by using Li + to neutralize the octrahedral layer charge of 2∶1 clay minerals. And the release of newly\|fixed ammonium caused by different charges was observed through the method of biological absorption. The results showed that ammonium fixation capacity of soils depended on the total sum of interlayer charges. However the ammonium newly fixed by tetrahedral charge was more difficult to be released than those fixed by octrahedral charge. To the soils with both similar clay content and mineral composition the release of newly\|fixed ammonium may be mainly determined by sites of interlayer charges.
Journal of Yangzhou University:Natural Science Edition
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (3 9770 42 7)