TiO2,CoS and SnO2 respectively by itself is inactive for the reduction of SO2 or/and NO by CO;however,we discovered that both TiO2- CoS (1:1 mass ratio) and TiO2- SnO2 (1:1 mass ratio) composite compounds are very active for such reactions,at 300- 350℃ ,the conversion of SO2 to S,NO to N2 are over 90% ,and the selectivity towards S or N2 are over 95% .These mean that there are synergism effects between TiO2 and CoS,TiO2 and SnO2.It was confirmed by XRD characterization that TiO2 and CoO,TiO2 and SnO2 transform to rutile after calcinations at 500℃ ,however,individual TiO2(anatase) can only transform to rutile up to 900℃ .Therefore ,it is suggested that the synergism effects must be related to these composites comcound which exist as rutile structure.The study of the reaction mechanism and model of active phase are underway.
TiO_2,CoS and SnO_2 respectively by itself is inactive for the reduction of SO2 or/and NO by CO;however,we discovered that both TiO_2- CoS (1:1 mass ratio) and TiO_2- SnO_2 (1:1 mass ratio) composite compounds are very active for such reactions,at 300- 350℃ ,the conversion of SO2 to S,NO to N2 are over 90% ,and the selectivity towards S or N2 are over 95% .These mean that there are synergism effects between TiO_2 and CoS,TiO_2 and SnO_2.It was confirmed by XRD characterization that TiO_2 and CoO,TiO_2 and SnO_2 transform to rutile after calcinations at 500℃ ,however,individual TiO_2(anatase) can only transform to rutile up to 900℃ .Therefore ,it is suggested that the synergism effects must be related to these composites comcound which exist as rutile structure.The study of the reaction mechanism and model of active phase are underway.
Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica
国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 (G19990222)
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (20077002)