自家庭联产承包制以来 ,珠江三角洲对农业生产体制进行了一系列的调整 ,经历了统分结合双层经营体制、两田制、社区股份合作社等一系列的制度创新 ,基本实现了农地连片规模经营 ,并使农村剩余劳动力向非农产业转移 ,初步实现了农业产业化经营方式 珠三角农业现代化的发展要求农业体制实行进一步组织创新 :包括从社区农业合作社分离出与其经济目标混合在一起的社会目标 ,农业微观组织由农户向家庭农场企业法人形式演进 ,农业社会服务体系向专业合作社。
Since the implementation of the contracted responsibility system of remuneration linked to output in the Pear River Delta, a series of significant institutional innovations including two tiered management system (combining unification and decentralization), twin cropland system, and joint stock cooperatives in communities etc. have been conducted on the agricultural production system. After these institutional innovations, the large scale management of farming land and the transformation of surplus labor force in agriculture to industries have been basically realized, and the industrialized operation mode of agriculture production has also been prelimunarily achieved. Further institutional innovations are required for the on going development of agriculture modemization in the Peal River Delta, such as community objective (separated from agricultural joint stock cooperative) mixing up with other economical objective, evolution of agriculural microscopic structure from farm families to family based farming enterprises, transformation of agricultural community service systems to specialized cooperative societies, the integration of urban and rural areas.
Journal of Zhongkai Agrotechnical College