苹果透翅蛾Conopia hector Butler和苹小吉丁Agrilus mali Matsumura是当前吉林省各地果园为害苹果属果树的两种主要枝干害虫。在长春前者一年发生1代,后者三年2代或二年1代。均以幼虫在枝干内越冬。由于二者幼虫为害期长,又蛀入枝干内串食,所以用树上喷药防治幼虫和发生期较长的成虫均较难奏效。但这两种幼虫同时为害在枝干上造成的虫疤,却为涂药兼治提供了依据。且经济有效、简便易行,便于推广。试验用50%杀螟松或辛硫磷乳油,加煤油或柴油30~50倍液,20%杀灭菊酯乳油等合成菊酯类乳油50~100倍液,防治效果均可达90%以上。用柴油或煤油作渗透剂可提高防治效果。涂药时期以春季和秋季落叶后为宜。
Conopi-a liectw Butler and Agrilus mali Matsumura are two kinds of main pests which attack the trunk of some fruit trees which belong to apple genus in various orchard of Jilin province at present. The former occurs one generation per year and the later occurs a generation every two years. Larvae of the both insects pass the winter in the trunks. Since the harm duration of larvae is long, most of them attack the plants inside the trunks. It is not effective to control the larvae and adults by spraying insecticides. However, when the larvae attack the tree trunks, they make some scars on the trunks, this makes us possible to paint the insecticide on the scars to control the pests. The painting method is economical, effective, simple. Our experiment shows that the following insecticide, such as: 50% fenitrothion or 50% phoxim E. C. kerosene or dissel oil 30 -50 time, could be painted on the tree scars and the control effect is high than 90%. Kerosene and diesel oil used as osmotic agent can increase the control effect. It is better to conduct the painting practice during the spring and Autumn, this is, from the middle April to the first ten -days of May and the period after leaves falling in Autumn.
Journal of Jilin Agricultural University
Conopia hector Butler, Agrilus mali Matsmura, Pest, painting control