通过罩笼接虫和自然开放式状态下试验 ,对不同播期的玉米粗缩病病情进行了比较 ,明确了玉米敏感叶龄为可见叶 9叶以下 ,展开叶为 6叶以下。研究证实 ,将田间灰飞虱转移迁入高峰期与玉米敏感叶龄期错开 ,可以减轻玉米粗缩病的发病 ,春玉米播期 4月 10~ 15日 ,夏玉米在 6月 10~ 15日 ,能显著控制玉米粗缩病的危害。
The effects of planting dates on dosease incidence of maize rough dworf were studied under cage and natural condition. The results indicated that the leaf age which was young than 9th visible leaf or 6th unfolding leaf was sensitine to the infection of maize rough disease virus (MRDV). The results also showed that the disease incidence will less severe if the sensitive leaf age can be stagged from the migration date of brown planthopper. The disease incidence would reduce greatly when spring maize, was planted during april 10 to 15,or autumn maize was planted during June 10 to 15.
Jiangxi Plant Protection
江苏省"九五"重点攻关项目 (BE96 386 )资助