孙犁在“文革”后期沉迷于装修藏书 ,这是他在当时恶劣的社会环境下 ,心态更加内倾和固守自我的本真性的显著表征 ,是变态心理和常态心理的交织互动。而《书衣文录》的写作 ,具有多种象征意义 ,昭示了纯粹文化人在社会文化关系剧烈变动时与立身之本———文化切不断的血肉联系 。
In the late years of Cultural Revolution, Sun Li indulged himself in the collection of books. Some scholars think that it clearly demonstrated his keener inclination to inner world and his endeavour to maintain the true nature of himself, and that it was the interaction between abnormal and normal mentality in that hard social environment. But Sun Li's work, the Rcords of Book Covers, has various symbolic meanings which reveal not only the close connection between pure intellectuals and their cultures during the sharp change of the relationship between society and culture, but also his adherence to self-consciousness and rational spirits.
Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition